
Diving duo // Olympics _ Rio 2016

Winners of the Diving from 10m platform, are Chinese Y. Lin & A. Chen
the USA team won the silver medal,
 the third place winners was T. Daley & D. Goodfellow from GB.
Congratulations to all, for such great performances!


BIRTHDAY BOYS: First day of August...

Happy New Month :)

«When it rains in August,
it rains honey & wine»
Spanish proverb

Καλό μήνα!

«Ζήσε Μάη μου να φας τριφύλλι,
και τον Αύγουστο σταφύλι»

Ποιά είναι η αγαπημένη σας αυγουστιάτικη παροιμία;